I like the idea of doing life projects. Put simply, they’re when you commit to doing things in your life on a large scale. Classic examples include:

  • Dice Man living his life according to the roll of a die (fictional).
  • Danny Wallace saying yes to everything.
  • Dave Gorman travelling the world according to Googlewhacks.

Wallace and Gorman are the frontrunners in this kind of thing really. There’s also:

  • Danny Wallace travelling the world to start a cult.
  • Dave Gorman challenging the UK to play him at games, which I reviewed here.
  • Danny Wallace AND Dave Gorman travelling the UK to meet people called Dave Gorman.

And most importantly of all, there’s Dave Gorman’s Important Astrology Experiment. I don’t know why more people don’t know about this show. It’s amazing. Dave Gorman lives his life according to his horoscope for 40 days. Taking them literally as possible, he examined whether it made him happier or not. Hilarity ensues.

Here’s the first episode:


I’ve got ideas. I’m…. funny! I’m excitable!

So here’s the plan: Live my life according to whatever ‘day of the year’ it is that day!

Ever notice how it’s always some ‘international day’ these days? Of course you have! I wrote about it here, remember? There’s so many of these days, in fact, that some days have several ‘days’ associated with them. And each month has about three things associated with it too.

Let’s take January for example, and see how I might live my life around that.


So yeah, every day in January I’ll do something to organise my life. Sort out my finances, clear my desk. That kinda thing! Woop. Easy peasy. And the days?


Ok, it’s not the most exciting day to kick off with. But it’s established so I’ll do it. The description for it reads as such:

Without copyright law, we’d never stop fighting over who owns what. Celebrate Copyright Law Day and thank the creators of books and movies you love!
So I’ll thank some creators on that day! Hooray. What a way to bring in the new year.
In case you’re wondering, I’m using daysoftheyear.com to manage this. You’ll notice that each day has a couple of entries, so my rule will have to be the one that’s listed first is the one I’ll do. This gives me a WEEK 1 ITINERARY of:
  1. Copyright Law Day
  2. Science Fiction Day
  3. Drinking Straw Day
  4. Hypnotism Day
  5. Bird Day
  6. Three Kings Day
  7. I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day

What a week it’ll be.

I’ll hashtag it daily on Twitter with like #RICHARDS2016 or something better. And I’ll do a weekly blog post roundup of my adventures. If I have any.

Yay. This is gonna be so cool!

Please please please please let me get a book deal out of this.